Results for 'Marina A. Glaser'

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    Liberal Egalitarianism.Daryl Glaser - 2014 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61 (140):25-46.
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    Just war, regular war, and war as peace in preparation.Micha Bernhard Https://Orcidorg Gläser - 2024 - Jurisprudence 15 (3):375-386.
    1. In the opening chapter of his arresting book on Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of international and cosmopolitan right, Kant and the Law of War,1 Arthur Ripstein presents Kant’s position as a respon...
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    Can the doctrine of just military intervention survive Iraq?Daryl Glaser - 2010 - Journal of Global Ethics 6 (3):287-304.
    The disastrous consequences of the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 appear to discredit just war theories that justify military intervention in sovereign states in the name of human rights. It is possible, however, to identify factors that distinguish a defensible military intervention from the kind pursued in Iraq, and to incorporate these into a doctrine of humanitarian military intervention that would not have permitted the Iraq invasion. This improved doctrine stands in contrast to the militant interventionist doctrine that endorsed (...)
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    From Effects of Governance to Causes of Epistemic Change.Jochen Gläser - 2024 - Minerva 62 (3):309-337.
    In this paper I argue that the attempts by science studies to identify epistemic effects of new governance instruments have largely failed. I suggest two main reasons for this failure. The first reason is that neither quantitative nor qualitative studies of effects of governance instruments meet the respective methodological standards for establishing causality. While much of this could be repaired, the second reason is more severe: given the complex causal web between governance and knowledge production and the multi-level nature of (...)
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    Democratic Liberty and Poverty Eradication.Daryl Glaser - 2016 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 30 (1):15-26.
    This article engages with H. P. P. Lötter’s account of democracy, liberty, and poverty in this IJAP symposium devoted to his book, Poverty, Ethics, and Justice. For Lötter liberty and democracy are intrinsically part of what is meant by poverty eradication and necessary instrumentally to secure whatever else it means. Lötter insists that liberty rights and socio-economic rights are interdependent and that neither has moral priority. This account is pitched at a level of generality, and contains ambiguities, that evade certain (...)
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    Meredith MARTIN. The Rise and Fall of Meter : Poetry and English National Culture, 1860 – 1930.Ben Glaser - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    This review was first published in Modern Language Quarterly : A Journal of Literary History, in Volume 74, Issue 3 | September 2013. Meredith MARTIN. The Rise and Fall of Meter : Poetry and English National Culture, 1860 – 1930. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2012. 274 pp. At the turn of the twentieth century, Robert Bridges made newspaper headlines with Milton's Prosody for attempting to renovate England's increasingly simplified notions of meter by justifying the supposed - Recensions.
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    Mitogenic polypeptides control ion flux in responsive cells.Luis Glaser, Brian Whiteley, Paul Rothenberg & Dan Cassel - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (1):16-20.
    Polypeptide growth factors (mitogens) which stimulate proliferation of fibroblasts and epithelial cells also rapidly activate transmembrane ion transport systems. The mitogen‐induced Na+ influx is due to the activation of a Na+/H+ antiport. Recent methodological developments allow, for the first time, precise measurements of the factors that control activation of the Na+/H+ antiport by these agents, and provide the tools needed to assess the physiological significance of this exchange mechanism.
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    The Impact of Changing Funding and Authority Relationships on Scientific Innovations.Richard Whitley, Jochen Gläser & Grit Laudel - 2018 - Minerva 56 (1):109-134.
    The past three decades have witnessed a sharp reduction in the rate of growth of public research funding, and sometimes an actual decline in its level. In many countries, this decline has been accompanied by substantial changes in the ways that such funding has been allocated and monitored. In addition, the institutions governing how research is directed and conducted underwent significant reforms. In this paper we examine how these changes have affected scientists’ research goals and practices by comparing the development (...)
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    Egalitarian Liberalism: What Are Its Possible Futures in South Africa?David Bilchitz & Daryl Glaser - 2014 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61 (140):1-6.
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  10. Just-in-Time Delivery Comes to Knowledge Management.Thomas H. Davenport & John Glaser - 2006 - In Laurence Prusak & Eric Matson, Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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    (1 other version)Florens Christian Rang, La via dell'interpretazione messianica - Marina Montanelli, Florens der Christ. Un commento alla via dell'interpretazione messianica di Florens Christian Rang.Marina Montanelli - 2019 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 12 (2):101-115.
    We present here for the first time an italian translation of Rang’s Vom Weg messianischer Deutung : the introductory essay on the work on Shakespeare’s sonnets. This work remained unfinished and was only partially published posthumously by Rang’s son, Bernhard, in 1954, with the title Shakespeare der Christ. Eine Deutung der Sonette. The translation is accompanied by a comment essay on Rang’s text. This comment essay firstly aims to contextualize both the work on Shakespeare and the very complex and still (...)
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  12. Narrative-based learning: Possible benefits and problems.Stephan Schwan, Bärbel Garsoffky & Manuela Glaser - 2009 - Communications 34 (4):429-447.
    This paper addresses the issue of narrative influence on knowledge acquisition in science education. Special characteristics of narratives and of narrative processing are compared to characteristics and processing of traditional expository educational materials. This paper goes beyond the existing literature on processing of media presentations that combine narrative and educational contents. Effects of four distinctive narrative features – dramatization, emotionalization, personalization, and fictionalization – are discussed with regard to their influence on single steps in knowledge acquisition to explain the superiority (...)
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    Investigating Knowledge Flows in Scientific Communities: The Potential of Bibliometric Methods.Valeria Aman & Jochen Gläser - forthcoming - Minerva:1-28.
    In their everyday work, scholars constantly acquire and transfer knowledge. Many of these knowledge flows are difficult to observe, not least because scholars are often not aware of them. This may be the reason why the attention to knowledge flows is very unevenly distributed across science studies, with bibliometric citation-based studies contributing the most research. Starting from the premise that bibliometric methods can be more readily exploited in the study of knowledge flows, this review explores the potential of bibliometric methods (...)
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  14. On Hegel's account of selfhood and human sociality.Marina F. Bykova - 2019 - In Hegel's Philosophy of Spirit: A Critical Guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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    Personal Autonomy in Society.Marina Oshana - 2006 - Routledge.
    Challenging many of the currently accepted conceptions of autonomy and of how it is valued, Oshana develops a social-relational account of autonomy that is constituted by a person's relations with others and by the absence of certain social relations. She denies that command over one's motives and the freedom to realize one's will are sufficient to secure the kind of command over one's life that autonomy requires, and argues against psychological, procedural, and content neutral accounts of autonomy.
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  16. Plato on the Rhetoric of Philosophers and Sophists.Marina McCoy - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Marina McCoy explores Plato's treatment of the rhetoric of philosophers and sophists through a thematic treatment of six different Platonic dialogues, including Apology, Protagoras, Gorgias, Republic, Sophist, and Phaedras. She argues that Plato presents the philosopher and the sophist as difficult to distinguish, insofar as both use rhetoric as part of their arguments. Plato does not present philosophy as rhetoric-free, but rather shows that rhetoric is an integral part of philosophy. However, the philosopher and the sophist are distinguished by (...)
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  17. Making Sense of Kant’s Highest Good.Jacqueline Mariña & West Lafayette - 2000 - Kant Studien 91 (3):329-355.
    This paper explores Kant's concept of the highest good and the postulate of the existence of God arising from it. Kant has two concepts of the highest good standing in tension with one another, an immanent and a transcendent one. I provide a systematic exposition of the constituents of both variants and show how Kant’s arguments are prone to confusion through a conflation of both concepts. I argue that once these confusions are sorted out Kant’s claim regarding the need to (...)
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  18. Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution.Marina Sbisà - 2009 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 5 (1):33-52.
    Uptake and Conventionality in Illocution The aim of this paper is to put forward a new way of conceiving of the conventionality of illocutionary acts, grounded in a new look at Austin's original ideas. While the indispensability of uptake has correctly been deemed to be a hallmark of illocution, it has also been taken as evidence of the intention-based nature of illocutionary acts as opposed to their alleged conventionality. After discussing the readings of the "securing of uptake" offered by Strawson (...)
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  19. Kinetic Memories. An embodied form of remembering the personal past.Marina Trakas - 2021 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 42 (2):139-174.
    Despite the popularity that the embodied cognition thesis has gained in recent years, explicit memories of events personally experienced are still conceived as disembodied mental representations. It seems that we can consciously remember our personal past through sensory imagery, through concepts, propositions and language, but not through the body. In this article, I defend the idea that the body constitutes a genuine means of representing past personal experiences. For this purpose, I focus on the analysis of bodily movements associated with (...)
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    Categorization and representation of physics problems by experts and novices.Michelene T. H. Chi, Paul J. Feltovich & Robert Glaser - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (2):121-52.
    The representation of physics problems in relation to the organization of physics knowledge is investigated in experts and novices. Four experiments examine the existence of problem categories as a basis for representation; differences in the categories used by experts and novices; differences in the knowledge associated with the categories; and features in the problems that contribute to problem categorization and representation. Results from sorting tasks and protocols reveal that experts and novices begin their problem representations with specifiably different problem categories, (...)
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  21.  59
    An external perspective on CSR: What matters and what does not?Marina Vashchenko - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):396-412.
    The paper aims at investigating external factors influencing organizational corporate social responsibility -related decision making. Two theoretical perspectives—stakeholder theory and institutional theory—have been applied to compile a list of external factors that might affect a company's CSR choices. As a result, a framework built on the government-related, society-related, and business-related groups of external factors is being suggested. This framework is used in the paper to answer to what extent do different external factors influence CSR-related decisions in large Danish companies and (...)
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    Holiness.Jacqueline Mariña - 1997 - In Charles Taliaferro & Philip L. Quinn, A Companion to Philosophy of Religion. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 235–242.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Analysis of the Holy Influences on Otto's Thought Possible Solution Works cited.
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  23. Hermeneutic Technics and the Engineering of Nanomaterials.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.
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  24. Phenomenological Epistemology and Nanotechnology: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy as Hermeneutic Technics.Marina P. Banchetti - forthcoming - In Jean-Pierre Llored, Ethics and Chemistry: A Multidisciplinary Investigation.
  25. In search of goodness.Marina Barabas - 2011 - In Christopher Cordner, Philosophy, Ethics and a Common Humanity: Essays in Honour of Raimond Gaita. New York: Routledge.
  26. Erleben: Un artefacto para agrietar significantes.Marina Alejandra Berardi - 2007 - A Parte Rei 53:9.
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  27. Mise en abîme: composición de la ciudad desierta.Marina Alejandra Berardi - 2010 - A Parte Rei 70:1.
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  28. Moral anthropology, human rights, and egalitarianism, or the aaa boycott.Marina Gold - 2018 - In Bruce Kapferer & Marina Gold, Moral anthropology: a critique. New York: Berghahn.
  29. The face-to-face as asymmetrical and reciprocal revelation : founding the ethics of the process of pastoral counseling in the footsteps of Levinas.Marina Riemslagh - 2008 - In Roger Burggraeve, The awakening to the other: a provocative dialogue with Emmanuel Levinas. Dudley, MA: Peeters.
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  30. Freud en el diván de Hume : las pasiones causales del psiconanálisis.Marina Ayala Y. Alirio Rosales - 1994 - In Verónica Rodríguez Blanco & Agustín Martínez A., Lenguaje, epistemología y ciencias sociales. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Comisión de Estudios de Postgrado, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales.
  31.  32
    The Influences of Category Learning on Perceptual Reconstructions.Marina Dubova & Robert L. Goldstone - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (5):e12981.
    We explore different ways in which the human visual system can adapt for perceiving and categorizing the environment. There are various accounts of supervised (categorical) and unsupervised perceptual learning, and different perspectives on the functional relationship between perception and categorization. We suggest that common experimental designs are insufficient to differentiate between hypothesized perceptual learning mechanisms and reveal their possible interplay. We propose a relatively underutilized way of studying potential categorical effects on perception, and we test the predictions of different perceptual (...)
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  32.  19
    The Palgrave Hegel Handbook.Marina F. Bykova & Kenneth R. Westphal (eds.) - 2020 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This handbook presents the conceptions and principles central to every aspect of Hegel’s systematic philosophy. In twenty-eight thematically linked chapters by leading international experts, The Palgrave Hegel Handbook provides reliable, scholarly overviews of each subject, illuminates the main issues and debates, and details concisely the considered views of each contributor. Recent scholarship challenges traditional, largely anti-Kantian, readings of Hegel, focusing instead on Hegel’s appropriation of Kantian epistemology to reconcile idealism with the rejection of foundationalism, coherentism and skepticism. Focused like Kant (...)
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    Necropolitics by Achille Mbembe: Extended Essay on the Book.Marina Gržinić - 2021 - Filozofski Vestnik 42 (1).
    Necropolitics by Achille Mbembe takes us back to his seminal text on “Necropolitics” translated and published in the US in 2003. At this point, 40 years after Foucault’s Biopolitics, Mbembe was re-theorizing biopolitics through a necro horizon, which turned out to be a robust conceptual shift from Western thought. Not much else is explicitly said about necropolitics in the titular book, which comes 17 years after the seminal text that had a significant impact on the theory and practice of philosophy, (...)
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  34. El viaje mental en el tiempo en la filosofía y la ciencias cognitiva de la memoria.Marina Trakas - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 20:141-163.
    La metáfora de la memoria como “viaje mental en el tiempo” (“mental time travel” en inglés) ha tenido una gran influencia en la ciencia cognitiva de la memoria así como también en la filosofía de la memoria contemporánea. A pesar de su relevancia, no ha habido ninguna discusión teórica real ni sobre el significado de la metáfora en sí misma ni sobre su adecuación para dar cuenta de los recuerdos de experiencias pasadas. Este artículo trata de llenar este vacío al (...)
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  35. Political theory in the square: Protest, representation and subjectification.Marina Prentoulis & Lasse Thomassen - 2013 - Contemporary Political Theory 12 (3):166-184.
    What, if anything, do the ‘square’ protests and ‘occupy’ movements of 2011 bring to contemporary democratic theory? And how can we, as political theorists, analyse their discourse and do justice to it? We address these questions through an analysis of the Greek and Spanish protest movements of the spring and summer of 2011, the so-called aganaktismenoi and indignados. We trace the centrality of the critique of representation and politics as usual as well as the ideas about horizontality and autonomy in (...)
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  36. Diachronic or Counterfactual? Temporal Well-Being and Changing Attitudes.Marina Moreno - forthcoming - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice.
    In his paper “Wellbeing and Changing Attitudes Across Time”, Krister Bykvist investigates the challenge that changing attitudes pose for attitude-sensitive theories of well-being in determining temporal wellbeing. He offers both a useful tool to investigate the conceptual space of possible answers, namely an attitudinal matrix, as well as a seemingly plausible constraint on such an answer, which he terms ‘diagonalism’. This paper draws on his matrix to provide an argument against diagonalism and offer an error theory regarding its intuitive force. (...)
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  37. Sins of Inquiry: How to Criticize Scientific Pursuits.Marina DiMarco & Kareem Khalifa - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):86-96.
    Criticism is a staple of the scientific enterprise and of the social epistemology of science. Philosophical discussions of criticism have traditionally focused on its roles in relation to objectivity, confirmation, and theory choice. However, attention to criticism and to criticizability should also inform our thinking about scientific pursuits: the allocation of resources with the aim of developing scientific tools and ideas. In this paper, we offer an account of scientific pursuitworthiness which takes criticizability as its starting point. We call this (...)
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  38. On epistemic responsibility while remembering the past: the case of individual and historical memories.Marina Trakas - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):240-273.
    The notion of epistemic responsibility applied to memory has been in general examined in the framework of the responsibilities that a collective holds for past injustices, but it has never been the object of an analysis of its own. In this article, I propose to isolate and explore it in detail. For this purpose, I start by conceptualizing the epistemic responsibility applied to individual memories. I conclude that an epistemic responsible individual rememberer is a vigilant agent who knows when to (...)
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  39. Perceiving Bodies Immediately: Thomas Reid's Insight.Marina Folescu - 2015 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 32 (1):19-36.
    In An Inquiry into the Human Mind and in Essays on Intellectual Powers, Thomas Reid discusses what kinds of things perceivers are related to in perception. Are these things qualities of bodies, the bodies themselves, or both? This question places him in a long tradition of philosophers concerned with understanding how human perception works in connecting us with the external world. It is still an open question in the philosophy of perception whether the human perceptual system is providing us with (...)
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  40. Self‐Explanations: How Students Study and Use Examples in Learning to Solve Problems.Michelene T. H. Chi, Miriam Bassok, Matthew W. Lewis, Peter Reimann & Robert Glaser - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (2):145-182.
    The present paper analyzes the self‐generated explanations (from talk‐aloud protocols) that “Good” and “Poor” students produce while studying worked‐out examples of mechanics problems, and their subsequent reliance on examples during problem solving. We find that “Good” students learn with understanding: They generate many explanations which refine and expand the conditions for the action parts of the example solutions, and relate these actions to principles in the text. These self‐explanations are guided by accurate monitoring of their own understanding and misunderstanding. Such (...)
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  41. How much should we value autonomy?Marina Oshana - 2003 - Social Philosophy and Policy 20 (2):99-126.
    Autonomy generally is a valued condition for persons in liberal cultures such as the United States. We uphold autonomous agents as the exemplar of persons who, by their judgment and action, authenticate the social and political principles and policies that advance their interests. But questions about the value of autonomy are often problematic. They are problematic because they concern the kind of value autonomy has and not just how much value autonomy has when weighed against competing goods. The two questions (...)
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    Speech acts in context.Marina Sbisà - 2002 - Language & Communication 22 (4):421-436.
    This paper argues for a reorientation of speech act theory towards an Austin-inspired conception of speech acts as context-changing social actions. After an overview of the role assigned to context by Austin, Searle, and other authors in pragmatics, it is argued that the context of a speech act should be considered as constructed as opposed to merely given, limited as opposed to extensible in any direction, and objective as opposed to cognitive. The compatibility of such claims with each other is (...)
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  43. Personal memories.Marina Trakas - 2015 - Dissertation, Macquarie University
    This thesis is intended to analyze a mental phenomenon widely neglected in current philosophical discussions: personal memories. The first part presents a general framework to better understand what personal memories are, how we access our personal past and what we access about our personal past. Chapter 1 introduces traditional theories of memory: direct realism and representationalism in their different versions, as well as some objections. I defend here a particular form of representationalism that is based on the distinction between content, (...)
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  44. Inquiry Tickets: Values, Pursuit, and Underdetermination.Marina DiMarco & Kareem Khalifa - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):1016-1028.
    We offer a new account of the role of values in theory choice that captures a temporal dimension to the values themselves. We argue that non-epistemic values sometimes serve as “inquiry tickets,” justifying scientists’ pursuit of certain questions in the short run, while the answers to those questions mitigate transient underdetermination in the long run. Our account of inquiry tickets shows that the role of non-epistemic values need not be restricted to belief or acceptance in order to be relevant to (...)
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  45. 'I forgot that you existed': Making people responsible for their memories.Marina Trakas - 2024 - Https://Imperfectcognitions.Blogspot.Com/2024/06/I-Forgot-That-You-Existed-Making-People.Html.
    A post written by Marina Trakas, a philosopher and cognitive scientist interested in the ethical and epistemological aspects of memories of our personal past. -/- .
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    The extent of the literal: metaphor, polysemy and the theories of concepts.Marina Rakova - 2003 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    The Extent of the Literal develops a strikingly new approach to metaphor and polysemy in their relation to the conceptual structure. In a straightforward narrative style, the author argues for a reconsideration of standard assumptions concerning the notion of literal meaning and its relation to conceptual structure. She draws on neurophysiological and psychological experimental data in support of a view in which polysemy belongs to the level of words but not to the level of concepts, and thus challenges some seminal (...)
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    Direct and indirect ways of managing epistemic asymmetries when eliciting memories.Marina Gall, Sandra Dowling, Joe Webb & Val Williams - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (2):199-215.
    This article aims to explore how epistemic status is negotiated during talk about the life memories of one speaker. Direct questions which foreground ‘remembering’ can lead to troubled sequences of talk. However, interlocutors sometimes frame their first parts as ‘co-rememberings’, and the sequential positioning of these can be crucial to the outcome of the talk. We draw on almost 10 hours of video data from dementia settings, where memory is a talked-about matter. Our focus is on 30 sequences which are (...)
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    Marking Radical Aesthetics in the Time of Racial Capitalism.Marina Gržinić - 2023 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (2):201-212.
    This article examines colonialism, the regime of whiteness, and feminism; it sketches possible genealogies of theories and practices in order to design an aesthetic of radicality or a radical aesthetic that is insurgent and defiant, based on histories and knowledge. We know that aesthetics is a colonial formation that historically and currently privileges the white European bourgeois who could speculate on the beautiful and the good, while genocidal practices and slave trade were carried out from European soil in other parts (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Different ways of being emotional about the past.Marina Trakas - 2022 - Journal Filosofia Unisinos - Unisinos Journal of Philosophy 23 (3):1-14.
    (written in 2017) According to Dorothea Debus (2007), all emotional aspects related to an act of remembering are present and new emotional responses to the remembered past event. This is a common conception of the nature of the emotional aspect of personal memories, if not explicitly defended then at least implicitly accepted in the literature. In this article, I first criticize Debus’ arguments and demonstrate that she does not give us valid reasons to believe that all the emotional aspects related (...)
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    Healthcare professionals’ perceptions about the Italian law on advance directives.Marina Maffoni, Piergiorgio Argentero, Ines Giorgi & Anna Giardini - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):796-808.
    Background: In the variegated legislative framework on advance directives, the first specific regulation in Italy on this issue came into force only in 2018. Research objective: This qualitative study aimed to investigate the implications of the new Italian law on advance directives in clinical practice from the perspective of those who deal with this delicate ethical issue on an everyday basis, that is, Italian healthcare professionals. Research design: A qualitative research design using semi-structured audio-recorded interviews was adopted. The data collection (...)
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